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Wax Management

Ear wax removal across Gippsland, Melbourne, and Tasmania

Clear even the most stubborn wax deposits with comfortable microsuction and curette removal at Helix Hearing. No syringing required.

Personal Wax Management

Wax is produced by a natural process in the ear canal. Normally it works its way to the outer ear and is flushed away when the hair is washed.

However, wax can sometimes build up making it difficult for the ear to self-clean. Wax will commonly build up in those with narrow ear canals, hearing aid and ear plug users and can become more bothersome as we age. These factors can stop the wax working its way to the outer ear, causing it to gradually accumulate.

For hearing aid users, this build-up can prevent the amplified sound reaching the eardrum, or may cause the aid to whistle (feedback).

Our method of wax removal is ideal for anyone with a history of eardrum perforation, middle ear problems, previous ear surgery or discomfort with the syringing method.

An Elderly Man Having His Ears Examined for Wax Management

Our Personal Wax Management Tips

  • Buy wax softening drops or spray from Helix Hearing or your chemist*

  • Once a month, put 2-3 drops in each ear canal at night (according to instructions on bottle).
  • Wash your hair as usual the next morning, flushing out the ear canals.
  • Use a twist of tissue to “wick” each canal dry and to soak up any remaining dissolved wax. (Don’t use cotton buds!)

If any problems continue to occur, contact Helix Hearing for a specialist wax removal treatment

*Please check which types of “Ear Clear” you purchase as there are several types and some not compatible with certain illnesses.


What is Ear Wax?

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a waxy substance produced by the glands in the ear canal. It is a natural part of the ear’s self-cleaning mechanism.

What are the symptoms of wax build-up?

Symptoms of wax build-up in the ears can include earache, hearing loss or muffled hearing, a feeling of fullness in the ear, ringing or tinnitus, dizziness, and ear infections. Some individuals may also experience itching, discharge, or a persistent cough due to the presence of excess earwax.

What are the risk factors for ear wax blockage?

Several risk factors can contribute to earwax blockage. These include frequent use of earphones or hearing aids, the production of excessive or dry earwax, narrow or twisted ear canals, older age (as earwax becomes drier and harder to remove), and certain activities that introduce foreign objects into the ear, such as using cotton swabs or inserting small objects.

What are the diagnosis and treatment options for ear wax blockage?

Ear wax blockage is usually diagnosed through a combination of medical history, physical examination, and, if necessary, additional tests. A healthcare professional such as an Audiologist, can examine your ears using an otoscope, a handheld instrument with a light. They will look for signs of ear wax blockage, such as visible wax or obstruction of the ear canal. In some cases, they may recommend additional tests, such as a tympanometry or audiometry, to assess the function of the middle ear and hearing.

Preferred treatment from Audiologists includes Microsuction where the Audiologist will use a gentle suction device to remove the ear wax. This method is especially useful for individuals with sensitive ears or those who have had previous ear surgeries.

What are the treatment options for ear wax build-up?

Treatment for ear wax build-up typically involves methods to remove or soften the wax. Our Audiologists preferred treatment options are:

  • Over-the-counter ear drops: Ear drops, such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide solutions, can be used to soften the wax and facilitate its removal. Follow the instructions provided with the ear drops and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.
  • Manual removal: Healthcare professionals, such as doctors or ENT specialists, may use specialized instruments like curettes or suction devices to manually remove the ear wax. This method should not be attempted at home, as improper techniques or tools can damage the ear canal or eardrum.
  • Microsuction: This procedure involves using a suction device to remove the ear wax. It is commonly performed by healthcare professionals and is effective for removing stubborn or impacted wax.

It’s important to note that if you experience severe pain, sudden hearing loss, persistent symptoms, or have a history of ear problems, it is recommended to seek medical attention from an Audiologist for proper evaluation and treatment.

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