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What Will Be Your Expenditure on Hearing Aids?

The choice of opting for hearing aids is not an easy one. However, trained Audiologists at Helix Hearing offer guidance and support all the way to find the best device fit for you. It entails an appointment where details of your ear health and hearing loss are understood. Your communication needs will be assessed. This is followed by an exhaustive hearing test. Available options are deliberated upon based on your lifestyle, hearing, and budget. A wide array of hearing aids is available. The prices of hearing aids are determined by their inbuilt technology and range from $1500 to over $7000...

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Tinnitus – Explained in Brief

Do you happen to hear a ringing, hissing, or a buzzing sound in your ear? If so, then you may be suffering from tinnitus. Symptoms You seem to hear a sound though there is none in the external environment.The sound is persistently heard in some individuals, while others perceive it only when there is quiet around. Impact It becomes a disturbing factor in your lifeIf left untreated, it can lead to stress, anxiety, fatigue, and irritability Treatment Plan Get an appointment at Helix Hearing for a hearing test.Professionally trained audiologists at Warragul and Drouin clinics...

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What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the perception of sound when there is no external sound present. It is commonly described as a ring, buzz, or hiss in the ears. The symptoms can vary from person to person. Some may only hear it when in a quiet room, while others hear it all the time.

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How to Remove Ear Wax Blockage Fast?

Hearing aids identify sounds in the surrounding environment and convert them into a digital signal. The ear wax is our ears natural way of protecting themselves from dirt and dust, water, and foreign objects (even insects!). Ear wax is only produced in the outer third of the ear canal and for most people, their ears will clean themselves. 

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Can a Hearing Aid Stop Tinnitus?

Tinnitus comes in many forms, including ringing, buzzing, or clicking sounds. When tinnitus is present, there is often, but not always, an underlying hearing loss as well. A hearing test performed by a trained Audiologist is therefore recommended if there are concerns regarding tinnitus. While there is no scientifically proven tinnitus cure, there are several different tinnitus treatment options available that may help to improve your quality of life.

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Do I Have a Hearing Loss Test?

A hearing loss can present in different ways. It may be that you are asking for more speech repeats, mishearing speech quite often, turning the television up louder than previously, withdrawing socially, isolating oneself, and/or having difficulty hearing in situations with background noise. If you experience any of these problems or have concerns regarding your hearing, a full hearing assessment is recommended.

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How Much Do Hearing Aids Cost?

The decision to take the next step and go ahead with hearing aids can feel a little daunting. Our Audiologists at Helix Hearing are here to support and guide you to find the right devices for you. This involves an appointment to evaluate your communication needs and get an understanding of your hearing and ear health history. A thorough hearing test is then conducted. We then discuss the options available, considering your hearing, lifestyle, and budget.  While the style of hearing aids vary, hearing aid prices can also vary significantly. They...

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